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Destination: Albacete

Thematic tourism

Thematic tourism

Discover the thematic tourism of Albacete!
Decide the type of thematic tourism que te apetece realizar in Albacete. According to your needs, interests, preferences, ... Albacete can offer you what you’re looking for. Take the plunge!


Conference tourism

Albacete enjoys a strategic geographical location and an excellent network of communication infrastructure (dual carriageways, high-speed railway and airport). This, together with its large hotel capacity and modern facilities and infrastructure - among which we find the Conference Centre or the IFAB Exhibition Ground - and an important cultural and leisure options, make Albacete a perfect destination for organising and holding any business event. See everything we offer in conference tourism.

Health Tourism

Albacete is an ideal province to get away from it all and enjoy your free time in b>a restorative environment . In order to do so, we will give entrance to spas or thermal spas, old bathing houses -which today have been turned into comfortable rural accommodation - and spa centres. Discover what we have to offer in Health Tourism.

Culinary tourism

Albacete is a land of singular culinary richness, que combines the best tradition of La Mancha with the most innovative creations of haute cusine. In Albacete the cuisine is a synonym of culture, leisure and business. Discover everything we offer in culinary tourism.

Enological tourism

In the province of Albacete there are vineyards belonging to the followingDenominations of origin: Almansa, Jumilla, La Mancha, Manchuela and other of Vinos de Pago. To tour round its lands and sample these wines is a compulsory challenge for the tourist who has a preference for wines. Discover what we offer in enological tourism.

Ornithological tourism

The province of Albacete offers for birdwatching one of its best and most unknown European settings. Its location, between the Levant and the centre of the peninsula, together with the great variety of ecosystems represented, is favourable for an outstanding diversity of birdlife. See everything we offer in ornithological tourism.

Fungus Tourism

Albacete has a great variety and quantity of fungi and mushrooms which have come to form part of the local fungus and culinary richness. The visitor will also be able to visit the first Fungus Museum of Castilla-La Mancha, the house the Nízcalo, in Molinicos. Discover what we offer in Fungus Tourism.

Archaeological Tourism

The province of Albacete has a rich archaeological heritage, evidence of a past which we must know and care for. As many as 88 sites have been catalogued with interesting manifestations of cave art from all the eras. The pictorial manifestations which are preserved in abris and caves constitute exceptional evidence of the first human presence on these lands. As well as the Cueva del Niño (Ayna), of the Paleolithic era, it is necessary to highlights the set of paintings housed in the Cultural Park of Nerpio, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998, correspond to the Levantine or figurative and to the Schematic or linear style. As many as 88 sites have been catalogued with interesting manifestations of cave art from all the eras, which constitute exceptional evidence of the first human presence on these lands. Discover our proposals to enjoy Archaeological Tourism.

Family Tourism

In Albacete it is possivle to carry out different excursions near beautiful villages and places, in which the adults will enjoy our excepcional landscapes and cuisine, and the children will discover the wonder of Nature, discovering corners which are still unknown and which will, without doubt, make them return to continue discovering our province. Discover our proposals for Family Tourism.

Hunting Tourism

The province of Albacete is a leading reference in hunting and fishing. The most notable hunting species find in this province an ideal place to breed and establish themselves. The The whole of its territory offers the perfect habitat both for small-game hunting of the red-legged partridge , the common wood pigeon, the European rabbit, the hare, the quail, the turtle dove, the thrush or various water birds… and for the big-game hunting of the boar, the roe deer, the fox, the fallow deer, the mouflon, the Spanish ibex, or the deer. Discover what we have to offer in Hunting Tourism.

Health Tourism

Health Tourism

Albacete es una provincia ideal para alejarse del mundanal ruido y disfrutar de su tiempo libre en un entorno reparador. Para ello, daremos entrada a balnearios o estaciones termales, antiguas casas de baños - hoy convertidas en confortables alojamientos rurales - y centros spa. Descubre nuestra oferta en turismo de salud.

Family Tourism

Family Tourism

In Albacete it is possivle to carry out different excursions near beautiful villages and places, in which the adults will enjoy our excepcional landscapes and cuisine, and the children will discover the wonder of Nature, discovering corners which are still unknown and which will, without doubt, make them return to continue discovering our province. Discover our proposals for Family Tourism.

En Albacete hay mucho que ver...

Te decimos los imprescindibles que no te puedes perder

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