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Destination: Albacete

Ornithological tourism

Ornithological tourism

The province of Albacete offersbirdwatching one of its best and most unknown European settings. Its location, divided between Levant and the centre of the peninsula, together with the great variety of ecosystems represented, is favourable for its outstanding diversity of birdlife.


Gems in the Sky

In only 15,000 km2, about 300 especies have been noted linked to the most varied habitats, which is without doubt an authentic delight for the tourist who enjoys these activities or a birdwatcher.

Ornithological activities based on the observation and identification of birds, are at once pleasant entertainment and the perfect excuse to spend time directly with nature, always maintaining due respect for the environment in which it takes place.

To begin with it, it is only necessary to have some basic knowledge, binolculars, an identification guide and enthusiasm for discovering this unknown and exciting world by taking the maximum care in the observation in order not to disturb them, above all in the breeding season.

The birds present in the province of Albacete are various, for the most part small birds, but there are also larger birds which inhabit the area which are powerfully attractive for lovers of ornithology, birds of prey and steppe birds.

Forest ecosystems of conifers (pinewoods) and cosistemas forestales of coníferas (pinares) and deciduous species (holm oaks and Mediterranean scrublands) of the Sierra de Alcaraz and Segura, and valleys of the Júcar and Cabriel.

In the native forest areas or repopulation areas varied birds are registered. Among the birds of prey, the most characteristic one in these areas is thegoshawk, which is capable of hunting and flying among the tangled vegetation. Among the diurnal birds of preythe following stand out: golden eagle, the short-toed snake eagle, the Bonelli’s eagle, the booted eagle, the common kestrel, the black kite, the Eurasian sparrowhawk, the falcon, the peregrine falcon, the cinereous vulture, the griffon vulture, the red kite, or the marsh harrier. Among the occasional visitors we can name, the osprey, and the lammergeier and the iconic Spanish imperial eagleNocturnal birds of prey are v in all the entornos, destary well represented in all the environments, the following standing out: theeagle owl, the barn owl, the long-eared owl, the Eurasian scops owl, the tawny owl or the little owl.

In summary, the ornithological tourist will find in the lands of Albacete, a reference point and enjoyment for carrying out his/her great passion: birdwatching.

En Albacete hay mucho que ver...

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