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Destination: Albacete

Districts and Municipalities

Districts and Municipalities

Discover the Districts and the Municipalities of Albacete:
The province of Albacete is a surprising and unknown land, land of contrasts in which the diversity puede singularizarse with a particular type of landscape. Consult the information about the Districts and of the Province of Albacete in our Guide to localities.

In Albacete there is the La Mancha plai, although this is broken at its ends due to green mountain ranges such as that of Alcaraz and of the Segura, steep valleys such as that of the Júcar and Cabriel or very beautiful lagoons such as those of Ruidera and of El Arquillo.

Within its district diversity, in the first place, there appear the Sierras de Alcaraz and the Campo de Montiel with soft relief and profile forms where numerous lagoons and springs begin. The most important are combined in the Natural Park of the Lagunas de Ruidera, a Natural Space of exceptional environment interest and a must-visit.

In the of the province in the district of the Sierra de la Segura, there stand out mountain ranges which are about 2,000 metres high such as the Sierra de las Cabras, the Pico de las Mentiras or the Cuerda de las Almenaras, in this area it is necessary to highlight above all the Natural Park of el Calar del Mundo and of la Sima, whose spectacular culmination is the Birth of the River Mundo.

To this mountainous landscape, although less accentuated, there also belong the alignments of the Sierra de Chinchilla of Monte Aragón and the Sierra del Mugrón in Almansa which extend to the border of the province of Valencia. It belongs to the district of Monteibérico and Corredor de Almansa

Such great diversity contrasts with the homogeneity of the districts of the plains of La Mancha, Mancha Júcar-Valle Júcar and of La Manchuela, located about 700m above sea level, they are notable horizontal environments, however in travelling on them we are surprised bythe charm of the valleys suchthe Júcar or the Cabriel whose riverbeds form astonishing canyons of steep walls.

Lastly, it is necessary to highlightCampos de Hellín distrct, where there are valleys and mountainous or wet areas. Here there is the only volcanic outcrop in the province, the Pitón volcánico of Cancarix, declared Natural Monument

Districts and Municipalities



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