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Fungus Tourism

Fungus Tourism

Albacete has a great variety and quantity of fungi and mushrooms which have come to form part of the local fungus and culinary richness.

There is undoubted interest and enthusiasm which some time was sparked in our province in the subject of mycology. It is as if we had suddenly discovered that its knowledge is the basis for its value and exploiting it to the full strengthens its protection and sustainability. But we must not pass on the pleasure of picking them in the field, since it is part of their charm.

After a suitable apprenticeship or better still accompanied by a connoisseur of the subject, who can guide us not only to distinguish the good specimens from the poisonous ones, but also that how to pick them and how to transport them, it is necessary to go into the hills, since the adventure of picking them is the pleasure of sampling them. As proof of that, there are many groups and societies which have begun to assess the fungus resource and who have had their work recognised with the initiative of creating the first Fungus Museum of Castilla-La Mancha in Albacete, specifically theCasa del Nízcalo in Molinicos.

Albacete is one of the leading powers in thecultivation of mushrooms and fungi . Historically cultivated in natural caves, the modern facilities prepared for that purpose, have given way to a large agri-food industry which is responsible for the cultivation and picking of certain fungus species which are strongly appreciated by the consumer such as the alpaca mushroom and above all the button mushroom, there being produced in districts such as La Manchuela, Valle del Júcar and Manchajucar, up to 50% of the national production. Currently the first results of studies related to the cultivation of the truffle are being produced.

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